It's been awhile..

Well, I'm sorry for my absence. Life became hectic, and I was all over the place. Never in one place for too long. For now I'm back in my hometown until I head back to Spokane in a few short weeks for school.

I haven't really been shooting too many photos at all this summer. Which is really bothering me. I just have not had the time to do it. I recently forced myself to just go walk around the garden a little bit to see what I can find and force myself to see photographically again. I shot everything on my Google Pixel 2XL instead of walking around with my DSLR like I normally would. I needed to change it up. The only shots I really did over the summer were some social media content work for Deschutes Brewery. That was pretty cool to say the least. I also have more content creation work that I am working on right now but that is a story for another day.

Okay, the last one isn't from the garden..  It was near Spider Lake in the Olympic National Forest. 


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