Place: Silver Mountain

For one of the last assignments in my Photo 112 class I was to photograph a place that mean something to me. For me that means Silver Mountain in Kellogg, Idaho. It's a place I can indulge both of my passions. Skiing and Photography. 
I shot most of the assignment over one day of skiing at Silver.

It started out like any other ski day. Waking up and taking a peek out the window to see what the weather is looking like. From what I could see it was going to be a good day. 

After heading up the mountain it was time to head down into locker room and get ready for a day in the snow.  

Once geared up it was time to out and onto the mountain. 

After that it was time to make a few turns. First off we head to down the bottom of Chair 2 and head up to the top of Kellogg Peak. Making a few quick turns to get down to the chair we could tell it was going to be fun. 

After getting to the top we took off to the left and headed to one of our favorite stashes on the mountain. The snow was deep and the level of fun was high. Who could complain about an epic powder day? 

After a hard day of skiing it was time to head back to the Mountain Haus to grab a beer and head down the mountain for the evening. Then wake up the next day and start it all over again. 


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